
The 1951 Refugee Convention defines a refugee as: “someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.” The book ‘Refugee’ follows the story of three young refugees and their families that h ave all been forced to leave their home country for one reason or another. While this book is considered fiction, many elements of the stories are based in fact. The stories also reflect current refugee issues that are being experienced all around the globe. One story follows the journey of a Syrian boy, named Mahmoud, who is fleeing the violence in his home country with his parents, brother and sister. While there are many elements of the story that still ring true in today’s day and age, there was one specific moment in Mahmoud’s journey that really brought home the struggle that refugees are facing today. In t...