Exit West

https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/27/kirstjen-nielsen-claims-women-children-were-human-shields-tear-gas-attack-border/?utm_term=.9c9435d29fba I recently read the book Exit West by Mohsin Hamid. This clifi novel addresses issues that migrants face and explores a world where borders become superfluous. In the world of Exit West there exists portals that appear in seemingly random doorways all across the world, and people seeking to flee their homes all over the world use these doors to migrate, and escape their situations. At one point in the book there are many refugees from many different places holding up homes in London and refusing to leave when the police show up. Not surprisingly, the people of London's police force, military, and civilian population form a brigade to rid themselves of the illegal migrants. They began violently fighting with the refugees, and by the end of the fighting a legion of the refugees die; including an estimated 200 who...